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Une des plus belles plongées de la côte d'Azur. Une des épaves les plus réputées de la méditéranée située à 10 minutes de navigation de notre centre. C'est véritablement notre plongée phare... elle se situe à 10 minutes de navigation de notre centre et repose sur un fond de 40 mètres. Elle est véritablement tel que vous pouvez l'observer sur la photo ci dessus...en parfait état ! On y trouve énormément d'anthias, de sars têtes noirs mais également de congres et murènes. Sans oublier quelques mérous de belle taille. Un banc de daurades royales y élit régulièrement domicile au cours de l'année.  L'essayer, c'est l'adopter. Croyez nous, vous ne vous en lasserez pas !


Dear divers,
this page is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of our dives but only to briefly describe some of the sites we can help you discover....

The essential Ruby

Conditions of acces

-2 stars CMAS minimum

Medical certificate less than 1 year old-Certificat médical de moins de 1 an

This is really our flagship dive... it is located 10 minutes by boat from our center and rests on a 40 meter bottom. It is really as you can see in the picture perfect condition! There are a lot of anthias, black-headed sars but also conger eels and morays. Not to mention a few groupers of good size. A school of sea bream regularly takes up residence there during the year.

To try it is to adopt it. Believe us, you will not get tired of it!

The mythical Togo

Conditions of acces

-3 stars CMAS minimum

Medical certificate less than 1 year old-Certificat médical de moins de 1 an

Located in Cavalaire Bay, it takes us about 25 minutes of navigation to reach it. It rests on a depth of about 60 meters and therefore remains an engaged dive that leaves us little time at the bottom to enjoy it.

That being said, for the experienced diver, it is also a pure marvel of the Mediterranean. It is full of life just like Ruby but has the particularity of having very developed and absolutely superb colonies of red gorgonians.


Conditions of acces

-2 stars CMAS minimum

Medical certificate less than 1 year old-Certificat médical de moins de 1 an

Also located in Cavalaire Bay, it takes us about 20 minutes of navigation to reach it. It rests on a depth of 38 meters.

This wreck really gives a special feeling. It looks like a kind of emaciated insect. This metal structure provides shelter for multiple vertebrates and invertebrates.

An astonishing wreck which, despite its significant depth, remains easy to dive because it is almost never exposed to any current.

Le Tell

Conditions of acces

-1 stars CMAS minimum

Medical certificate less than 1 year old-Certificat médical de moins de 1 an

Located at 5 minutes of navigation, this wreck is immediately accessible for beginners divers since it rests between 5 and 15 meters and it will also delight the most experienced thanks to the richness of fish it shelters. In 2018, we were able to count on the same dive with up to 14 juvenile groupers and 2 large adults! It is also one of the few places where you can see pretty Corbs benches.

In short, to discover absolutely.

La roche Adri et la roche Fouras

Conditions of acces

-1 stars CMAS minimum

Medical certificate less than 1 year old-Certificat médical de moins de 1 an

These 2 rocks, also located at about 5 minutes of navigation, shelter a bank of barracudas. This fish has very sedentary habits and can be seen about 4 dives out of 5. It's almost guaranteed on invoice!

When we are with them, nothing matters anymore and we can be surprised to have eyes only for them for long minutes...

informations and booking

+33 (0)6 80 88 73 91

1550 Route de Bonne Terrasse

83350 Ramatuelle

informations and booking

+33 (0)6 80 88 73 91

1550 Route de Bonne Terrasse

83350 Ramatuelle

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© 2019  Cap Camarat Plongée. Crédits photos : Nicolas Barraqué, Adrien Lanter.

SAS au capital de 9999 € immatriculé au RCS de Fréjus. SIRET: 838475549

1550 Route de Bonne Terrasse, 83350 Ramatuelle.

Directeur de publication : Adrien Lanter

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